The Mansion From The Movie The Godfather Is Listed For Rent On Air Bnb!

Image Commercially Licensed from: Depositphotos
Image Commercially Licensed from: Depositphotos

The well known classic movie, “The Godfather” has become a household name and movie line sighting phenomenon in America since it was released 1972. The movie which depicts the American mob in New York, grossed box office $139M roughly (985M) in today’s money. 

As one of the most successful movies created by famous director Francis Ford Coppola, it is safe to say that ‘The Godfather’ is truly a timeless classic film. 

For those fans out there, who still recite lines and rewatch the series here and there you’re in for a treat. For the first time ever, you can now rent the famous mansion used in the movie on Airbnb. Located in Staten Island, the home is available for rent at a shocking low rate of just $50.00 a night through the month of August. The home is set to be listed in alignment with the film’s 50th year anniversary which was in March earlier this year. Nestled in Staten Island’s Todt Hill neighborhood on Longfellow Avenue, check Airbnb listings to catch a glimpse and possibly book a relic of a truly timeless classic American movie.

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