In the heart of Salt Lake City, a groundbreaking new store is making waves in the world of luxury interior design. Sam Lund and her mother, Sandee Zahn, have teamed up to launch the city’s first elevated furniture store, bringing their passion for style and functionality to life. This innovative mother-daughter duo is redefining the industry through their unique approach to full-service design and organization.
Having opened its doors to an eager public, the Simply Sam Organization + Design store, Simply Elevated, is already garnering attention for its unique combination of high-end furnishings and client-focused design. Sam, the CEO and principal designer, began her journey in the world of interior design as a nanny and house manager. Her love for space planning, organization, and styling spaces led her to create Simply Sam in 2018 with her contractor husband Colby Lund, a business that focuses on both aesthetics and functionality for clients.
Meanwhile, Sandee, the VP of Interior Design and Construction at Simply Sam, brings a wealth of experience to the table. Having worked for an interior design firm in Chicago and building many properties throughout her life, Sandee was always passionate about creating beautiful homes. Her unique background, including being raised by Southern California’s top realtor of Manhattan Beach and top builder and developer, played a significant role in shaping her love for the industry.
Sam and Sandee faced numerous challenges in their careers, including the struggle to make everyone happy. They learned to stick to their policies, emphasizing the importance of client-designer compatibility. This mindset allowed them to build a reputation for their concierge approach to service, offering everything from full home design to organizing clients’ cereal collections.
The mother-daughter business partnership was inspired by Sandee’s eye for design and style, which influenced Sam while growing up. When the opportunity to collaborate on a large project in Arizona presented itself, they realized their creative chemistry was undeniable. With Sandee moving to Utah after living in Chicago for 30 years, the decision to join forces on a store front was a no-brainer.
Working as a family team presented challenges, but it was also one of the most rewarding aspects of their journey. The duo, along with Sam’s husband, Colby, constantly strive to improve their communication as both family members and colleagues. Sam’s psychology degree has proven invaluable in navigating these complex relationships. Their unique perspectives, with Sam focusing on the big picture and Colby and Sandee excelling at the details, allowed them to successfully bring their clients’ visions to life.
As for the future, Sam and Sandee have big plans for Simply Elevated. The recent opening of their Salt Lake City storefront has been a dream come true, but they don’t plan on stopping there. With their sights set on continuing to find the best clients and tackling bigger and better projects, this mother-daughter duo is poised to make an indelible mark on the world of luxury interior design.
In a city where innovation and creativity are celebrated, Salt Lake City’s first elevated furniture store stands as a testament to the power of family, passion, and perseverance. And for Sam Lund and Sandee Zahn, this is just the beginning.
Elevate your home with the exceptional touch of Simply Sam and Simply Sandee by exploring their stunning collections and experiencing their design expertise. Follow them on Instagram at Simply Sam Organization + Design (@simplysamorganized), Simply Sandee Design (@simplysandeedesign), and Simply Elevated Home (@simplyelevatedhome) for an exclusive look at their latest projects and inspirations. To learn more about their services, and to browse their fabulous furniture selections, visit Simply Sam’s website at and Simply Elevated Home’s website at